Meet The Clan

We are the Yuzos family from Mescalero, New Mexico.

Lucille Yuzos

Keeper of the Blue Mountain Clan's Heartbeat

Lucille is a dedicated language teacher and cultural steward at the Mescalero Apache School. She is a vital thread in the rich tapestry of the Blue Mountain Clan, her hands weaving together the stories and traditions of her people through her dedication to cultural preservation.

Her role as the regalia maker is a testament to her deep understanding and respect for Apache customs. Each element and piece of fabric that adorns the dancers tells a story, and Lucille ensures that these stories are passed down from generation to generation.

She is a constant presence at ceremonies. Her unwavering support is a source of strength and comfort for the crew. Her knowledge and guidance are invaluable, ensuring that every ceremony is a seamless expression of Apache culture and identity.

In Lucille, we see the embodiment of resilience and cultural pride. She is a living testament to the enduring spirit of the Apache people.

Kevin Yuzos

Keeper of the Blue Mountain Clan's Legacy

Carrying the Torch of Tradition. Kevin is the leader of the Blue Mountain Clan. In 1994, he inherited the mantle from his esteemed father, Milford Yuzos, a legacy steeped in generations of cultural wisdom and spiritual practice.

Beyond the Blue Mountains. Kevin's journey extends beyond the confines of his clan. He has participated in other sacred medicinal groups, known as "tepees," expanding his knowledge and understanding of Mescalero Apache traditions. This depth of experience grants him a unique perspective, enriching the tapestry of the Blue Mountain Clan's practices.

A Custodian of Knowledge. Kevin is a meticulous guardian of the knowledge entrusted to him. He recognizes the immense responsibility that comes with carrying the medicine and traditions of his people. His careful work ensures that these precious gifts are preserved and passed down to future generations.

A Guiding Light. He is fiercely committed to sharing his knowledge with the younger members of the Mescalero Apache tribe. Through teachings of dance, song, and the Apache language, he instills in them a deep appreciation for their heritage.

A Legacy in Motion. Kevin's leadership transcends mere ceremony. He is a driving force, ensuring the Blue Mountain Clan's traditions not only survive but thrive in the face of a changing world.